Pinging multiple devices with powershell using the Test-Connection cmdlet

If  you need to ping a list of computers or servers,

use this simple Powershell script that reads the list of host names from a .txt file (serverlist.txt file).

It uses the Test-Connection cmdlet to check for the remote computer status.

Copy the following code and save this script as multiping.ps1 .

$ErrorActionPreference = silentlycontinue
$servers = Get-Content D:\Scripts\serverlist.txt

foreach ($_ in $servers) {
$pingtest = Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -Count 1 -Delay 10 -TimeToLive 10
if ($pingtest.ResponseTime -gt 0)
{"$_ Is Alive" | Out-File -FilePath D:\Scripts\iplist.csv -Append -Force}
else {"$_ Is Down" | Out-File -FilePath D:\Scripts\iplist.csv -Append -Force }


Run this from the Powershell console.

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