Tag Archives: Domain

Public Desktop Icons are Deleted After Logon in Windows 7

I think I that a suitable name for  this post might be ‘The case of the missing desktop shortcuts’.  I spent nearly an hour or more resolving the so it will be the right thing to share it with you.

The Problem

In Windows 7,  Users can’t view objects and icons published on “C:\Users\Public\Desktop” .

Users cannot read data from “C:\Users\Public\Desktop”.

You suspect that a GPO – Group policy object, prohibit users from viewing icons on “C:\Users\Public\Desktop” folder.

Continue reading Public Desktop Icons are Deleted After Logon in Windows 7

How to copy new files to multiple computers using Group policy (GPO)

Did you Ever want to simply copy some files to your entire forest, domain or just a group of computers?

The easiest way, that is if your computers are in a domain environment, is to use GPO – group policy object that runs a startup script.

There are lots of ways to make mistakes on this topic. So stay alert.

Continue reading How to copy new files to multiple computers using Group policy (GPO)